Most of the stuff I’ve written has been generally light-hearted or movie-centric, because those are the benchmarks of my personality. I tend to focus on the light and airy or the entertainment side of life, because I’m not a fan
All in Due Time
I recall about two years ago writing a blog on the once booming website known as MySpace. It was a little bit after one of my nieces was born, and I was lamenting the fact that I had yet to
How About a Drink?

Cigarettes and Alcohol – Oasis We all have vices in our lives. Some are good and some are bad. It’s almost like they’re tricky little demons. There are times when you can’t shake the habit, and there are times where
Take a Look, It’s In a Book…
As long as I can remember, I’ve always been an avid reader. In fact, some of my earliest memories have been about reading with my mom or my grandmom. In fact, after watching Transformers, Voltron, and G.I. Joe, I’d do
Summer Memories…From the Corners of My Mind…
First things first, I’m trying trying out a new service that’ll help me actually post more to my blog. Currently, I average about one post a week, and it’s normally on movies. Either that, or it’s on something that irritated
Law-Abiding Citizens?
A random batch of laws I picked up from another site…
Random Ramblings, Part I
Back in the days of MySpace, I used to post random blogs every now and then. It wasn’t much, and it wasn’t all that informative. It was just a way for me to get a few things off my mind.
Remember the Cole

Everyone has a day that will live in infamy for them; for most Americans, that day was September 11, 2001. For me, I have two. Of course, there’s 9/11, but there’s also October 12, 2000. That was the day
A Wedding Story

Today, I celebrate my six year wedding anniversary. I am incredibly grateful that we’ve managed to make it this long, because of the exorbitant divorce rate in this country. Grated, most people expect marriages to be incredibly easy, but they’re
Weekend of Relief
The end of the work week brings me to a grinding halt. Here’s why…