I recall about two years ago writing a blog on the once booming website known as MySpace.  It was a little bit after one of my nieces was born, and I was lamenting the fact that I had yet to experience parenthood.  Okay, who am I fooling; I was pissed.  I sat in my car and cried, I beat the crap out of my steering wheel, and I asked God when I would get my turn to be a father.

Well, I got my answer.

Let’s start with the weekend itself.  Outside of going to see Inception, the weekend was a hot bowl of super crap.  I wasn’t in the mood to really be bothered by anyone, and I didn’t really do much laughing.  I did when I watched The Boondocks on Saturday night and when my friend Germean called that afternoon, but I was not in a great place.

On Monday, I had to take my wife to the doctor, and she asked if we should get a pregnancy test, and I said sure.  When we got her meds, we went ahead and got a $5 test.  She took it, and there was one solid line…and one faded line.  What the hell was that all about?  She called her pharmacist sister and I talked to my mom, and they both said that she probably was.  On the other hand, we were both skeptical.  I recommended that she go get a second opinion, and she did.

About 10:40, she sent me a text letting me know she was at the clinic and there was a long line.  Of course, I was super anxious and wanted to know whether it was really a yay or a nay.  Then, at 11:20, I got the answer to a question I had been asking for a very long time:

Yes we are

I had a smile so big that my face could’ve fallen off and I wouldn’t have cared.  She called and we talked for a few minutes, and I couldn’t keep still, I was so excited.  As the day wore on, my excitement didn’t wane, choosing to amplify itself instead.  From the looks of things, we’re probably looking at a mid-March to early April birth, and that’s fine with me.

People have asked me whether I’d prefer a boy or a girl.  My answer?  I don’t care.  If the baby has 10 fingers, 10 toes, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth, 1 nose, is happy, and healthy, then I’m good.  We already have names picked out if it’s a boy or a girl, so that’s already taken care of.  The rest will come.

I know one thing for certain: I plan on having a picture of the baby every day for one year.  I listen to the Dan Patrick Show every day, and they were talking about one of the guy’s babies, and he recommended that he take a picture of the baby every day in the first year of its life because that baby will never change more than it will in its first year of life on Earth.  I look forward to doing this and having it for prosperity.

I look forward to so many things with this baby; imparting wisdom, helping the baby grow to become a productive citizen, and so many other things.  But, all this will come.

All in due time.

All in Due Time
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