Back in the days of MySpace, I used to post random blogs every now and then. It wasn’t much, and it wasn’t all that informative. It was just a way for me to get a few things off my mind.
Remember the Cole

Everyone has a day that will live in infamy for them; for most Americans, that day was September 11, 2001. For me, I have two. Of course, there’s 9/11, but there’s also October 12, 2000. That was the day
State of Confusion
My thoughts on the state of politics in the state of Alabama.
I Am Iron Man – Again…

When it comes to movies, there is a rule that seems to be easily followed: the sequel will more than likely be better than the original. Case in point: Spider-Man 2 was miles better than Spider-Man, Star Trek II: The
Weekly Wonders

NOTE: I’m apologizing in advance for if this comes off as convoluted, confused, or otherwise weird. I’m functioning off of barely five hours of sleep; the reason for which I will explain momentarily. I know I said I would do
A Kick-Ass Weekend

A few weeks ago, I made the decision to go to Birmingham for the weekend. The primary reason for this was to go to spend time with my brother and my friends. The secondary reason was to go see the
No Sale
Earlier today, I was talking to a friend of mine on Google Talk. We were rambling about various things like the Nexus One ($500?! Is it gonna wipe after me? Or something entirely different?), the state of our jobs (it’s
Crisis of Infinite Americas
My rant on those who are asking for things they do not fully understand.
Strum and Dang

The week that was…
Offendable Suspension

My take on the whole Tony Kornheiser/Hannah Storm ordeal, and the handling of said issue.