There are a lot of touchy subjects in the world, and chief among them is religion. I have my own views on the subject, but that’s not the purpose of this blog. Eventually, I’ll write one that gives my views
Seven Dirty Words? Uh…Sure…
For as long as there has been language, there have been debates on the type of words you can or can not say in mixed company. Some people say that such language is disgusting and shouldn’t even be said in
Watch This Bounce Right Off Me!

The question of the day is, if I were a superhero, what special power would I have and why? I think this question is best answered by first saying what special powers I WOULDN’T have. Seeing that I am a
How About a Drink?

Cigarettes and Alcohol – Oasis We all have vices in our lives. Some are good and some are bad. It’s almost like they’re tricky little demons. There are times when you can’t shake the habit, and there are times where
Take a Look, It’s In a Book…
As long as I can remember, I’ve always been an avid reader. In fact, some of my earliest memories have been about reading with my mom or my grandmom. In fact, after watching Transformers, Voltron, and G.I. Joe, I’d do
Summer Memories…From the Corners of My Mind…
First things first, I’m trying trying out a new service that’ll help me actually post more to my blog. Currently, I average about one post a week, and it’s normally on movies. Either that, or it’s on something that irritated