As you all may know, I’m a big fan of movies. Yeah, I know that’s like saying water is wet, but work with me; I’m going somewhere here. I’ve done countless reviews since I started blogging, some of them were
A Change Gon’ Come…

As you all may know, I’m a big fan of movies. Yeah, I know that’s like saying water is wet, but work with me; I’m going somewhere here. I’ve done countless reviews since I started blogging, some of them were
First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope you and yours are enjoying the time with family and friends. We celebrated Christmas by going to the movies. Today’s movie is the Fox Searchlight feature Black Swan. The psychological
I haven’t written one of these in a while, so I figured I was due. I made today an impromptu movie day, and I needed to see something that was fairly entertaining and a bit eclectic. Today’s movie choice was
Today was an impromptu movie day. I had a little bit of time, and I was able to squeeze a trip to the multiplex in. The movie I went to check out was Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. The movie
It’s been a long time since I last did a movie review, so I feel that I’m due. Today’s movie du jour is the Lionsgate film The Expendables. This movie stars Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Terry Crews, Dolph
Another weekend, another movie day. Today’s movie is the much-anticipated Warner Bros. release Inception. This movie is directed by Christopher Nolan (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight), and is headlined by Leonardo DiCaprio. The rest of the cast is an ensemble
So, yesterday was my 33rd birthday, and to celebrate, I treated myself to a movie. Yesterday’s movie was Disney’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. The movie stars Nicholas Cage as the sorcerer, Jay Baruchel as his modern-day apprentice, and Alfred Molina as
It’s Saturday, and that means movie review time. The movie of the day is the 20th Century Fox release Knight & Day. The movie is directed by James Mangold (3:10 to Yuma), and it stars Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Peter
With the end of another week, we get a new movie release. The movie I treated myself to today is the big screen remake of the hit TV series The A-Team. On the surface, this film looked like it would
Yesterday, I treated myself to the latest summer blockbuster, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. The movie stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan, Gemma Arterton as Princess Tamina, the venerable Ben Kingsley as Nizam, and Alfred Molina as Sheik