This blog post is going to come across as rambling, and that’s fine. That IS part of the name of the blog, of course. While watching Doctor Who today (brilliant show; I plan on writing a blog post about it
Always Very Emotional

This blog post is going to come across as rambling, and that’s fine. That IS part of the name of the blog, of course. While watching Doctor Who today (brilliant show; I plan on writing a blog post about it
I know I haven’t updated a lot, but I’ve been busy. Real Life has a tendency to come in and kick you square in the nads. Anyway, I don’t know about y’all, but I had a very good 2011. Why?
Since this is the Christmas season – with the big day coming up tomorrow – I felt compelled to write a blog about my favorite Christmas-themed movies and TV shows. Invariably, I’m gonna leave something out, but I’m gonna go
Hello. I am Mr. Joseph, and I am a sort of hero. Now, I know some of you are wondering what the hell I’m talking about – especially since I haven’t written anything in months. First of all, I apologize
I have a prevailing belief. It may not be the most popular belief, but I have it. Ready? I believe in the multiverse. My belief is actually one that was sculpted in the direct to video movie Justice League: Crisis
Okay, so today was the annual Fantasy Football draft for my best friend’s fantasy football league. I’ve been participating in this league for at least four years, but I think it’s been much more than that. Anyway, I tend to
For a while, I’ve been the only voice on this site; I’ve been doing the majority of the writing and editing here, and it’s been fun, but I can understand that it can get a bit old and antiquated hearing
I just got word today that I received an award. Me. For this blog. I got an award for this blog. No, I’m not kidding. I have proof…see? 1. Thank the person who nominated you So, I’d like to thank
As a continuation from my last post (located here), allow me to explain why I left and got my own site. The main issue was storage space. If you’ve seen my reviews, you know I post a metric ton
I have a confession to make. I haven’t written anything about this because I haven’t had the words. It’s kinda difficult to express feelings you haven’t felt before, and it’s even tougher to make those feelings make sense to your