I was watching a Great Performances episode on “In the Heights” (I might be a little addicted) this morning, and it got me to thinking of my own theatrical journey, as much as it pales in comparison to those great
Wakanda Forever!

Just a few thoughts on this Wakanda Weekend: Anyone who has known me any length of time knows I am completely in the tank for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I’ve seen every film in theaters, I own a vast
Adios, 2017
I’m not gonna lie, 2017 has been rough on a personal level. There have been a lot of things going on behind the scenes henceforth and forevermore to be unknown to anyone except for those I chose to discuss it
Random Ramblings

There’s been a lot going on lately, and I haven’t truly been able to set aside the time to talk about it. But, since I have a few moments of peace and quiet, I think I’m gonna do just that.
Representation Matters

On June 9, the initial trailer for Marvel Studio’s Black Panther hit the airwaves. Starring Chadwick Boseman, Lupita Nyong’o, and Michael B. Jordan, it will tell the story of T’Challa (Boseman) as he navigates the murky waters of leadership after
Music to My Ears: My Five Favorite Scores

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I’m a fan of the musical score. In fact, I’d rather listen to a film score than a newly released album. Not quite sure what that says about me, but…there are worse things to deal with.
Happy Holidaze
So…I went to my daughter’s Christmas program at school today, and it was quite delightful. However, listening to one of the classes pantomime to a song gave me pause. The song was “It’s Called Christmas With a Capital ‘C’.” I’m
Progressive Regression
So…everyone has given their thoughts on the events of Tuesday, and I guess it’s my turn now. I’m not happy. At all. I’m not dumb. I understand the ups and downs of politics. I understand things that go on with
So, I’m sure everyone has seen the news report of yet another unarmed black man killed by those who are hired to protect and serve. I’m sure everyone has also already seen the video that will surely get these officers
Dark Cognizance
Something is very wrong. Generally, I’m a pretty genial person. I have my moments of anger or sadness or disappointment, but for the most part, I’m a laid back kinda guy. I spend time with my daughter, I play video